Standard: Rescale values to a standard normal scale

Normal: Rescale values to a standard (0-1) scale

Log: Rescale values to a natural log scale

Point-scale: Rescale values to a new point scale

rescale_standard(x, na_omit = TRUE)

rescale_normal(x, na_omit = TRUE)

rescale_log(x, na_omit = TRUE)

rescale_pointscale(x, lower, upper, lower0 = NULL, upper0 = NULL,
  na_omit = TRUE)



Input vector


Logical indicating whether to drop missing (NA) values. Default is TRUE.


Min value of new scale. Only applicable for pointscales.


Max value of new scale. Only applicable for pointscales.


Min value of old scale. If NULL, defaults to min of input. Only applicable for pointscales.


Max value of old scale. If NULL, defaults to max of input Only applicable for pointscales.


Rescaled vector


## randomly sample 10 values ranging from -10 to 100 x <- sample(-10:100, 10) ## rescale to 0-1 scale rescale_standard(x)
#> [1] 0.89795918 0.93877551 0.61224490 0.44897959 1.00000000 0.87755102 #> [7] 0.18367347 0.79591837 0.07142857 0.00000000
## rescale to normal distribution (z-scores) rescale_normal(x)
#> [1] 0.8259388 0.9328565 0.0775153 -0.3501553 1.0932330 0.7724800 #> [7] -1.0451200 0.5586447 -1.3391436 -1.5262495
## rescale to logged distribution (natural log) rescale_log(x)
#> [1] 1.949390 1.968483 1.785330 1.653213 1.995635 1.939519 1.278754 1.897627 #> [9] 0.903090 0.000000
## rescale to new point scale rescale_pointscale(x, 1, 7, lower0 = -10, upper0 = 100)
#> [1] 6.018182 6.236364 4.490909 3.618182 6.563636 5.909091 2.200000 5.472727 #> [9] 1.600000 1.218182