Various useful functions for working with data and writing functions
Install from CRAN
## from CRAN repo
Install dev version from Github
## from github
Rescale to standard (0-1) scale
Rescale to normal (mean = 0; sd = 1) scale
Rescale to arbitrary lower/upper bounds
Use box_code()
to add a header-like chunk to your clipboard–paste in script as desired.
## store text in clipboard
box_code("EXAMPLE #1")
#> ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------##
#> ## EXAMPLE #1 ##
#> ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------##
## the pasted output:
## EXAMPLE #1 ##
Get all regular expression matches (using easier looka-heads/look-behinds)
## some text
x <- c("This *is* a test",
"#this *was* a test",
"This *will* be a test!",
"This *has been* a test; it *is* great.")
## return text between asterisks, return as atomic vector
regmatches_(x, "(?<=\\*)\\S[^*]+(?=\\*)", drop = TRUE)
#> [1] "is" "was" "will" "has been" "is"
Figure out the name of a Github repo for a given package
Convert a Github link to the raw URL version
## path to raw version of Github file
#> [1] ""